Field Service App
Retriever’s field service app is at the heart of its Field Service solution. The field service app is configured so that it closely matches the field worker process workflow, so they can do their work in the most effective and efficient way. The field service app is available on Android, iOS and Windows.
Different job types and workflows
Different workflows for different type of jobs can be configured in the field service app. For example, a planned maintenance job will work differently to a reactive job or a field inspection. The field service app will present the field worker with the correct workflow for doing that particular type of work in the most efficient way.
Asset Management and Maintenance
The field service app can capture data about the assets in the field using general asset information and customised forms. Each asset can be serviced and maintained separately. If an asset is missing or unknown at the time of job creation, then this can be added in the fieldworker app from a catalogue of known assets.

User-defined forms
A business user can define forms in Retriever Formbuilder and deploy them at different points in the workflow of the field service app:
- Pre-job form: used for safety checks and/or pre-job information like customer confirmation.
- Job type form: specific data for a particular job type like reactive work or planned maintenance.
- Job form: capture data for a job that is not specific to a type of job. For example, a quote.
- Asset type form: capture data for a specific asset based on the type of asset.
- Asset form: data capture for a particular asset but more general. For example, a work order request.
Field Service App Functionality
The fieldworker application captures timestamps at each state change of a job. For example, on arrival at the site a timestamp is captured against that status change. The field worker can also record different time types (e.g. travel, work, double) whilst on the job. This information can be used for invoicing to the customer.
Documents such as work instructions, procedure manuals or safety data sheets can easily be viewed by the field worker, even when out of coverage. Documents can be maintained in a cloud based system such as OneDrive and integrated to Retriever Field Service.
Historical site visit service reports are made available to the field worker so that recurring problems or trends can be identified. The field worker has access to the same service reports as previously sent to the customer ensuring a common record which can be used to assist in resolving disputes.
The field worker app allows the capture of used parts and consumables per asset and/or on the job itself. If required, the stock location can be given as well (e.g. van stock or warehouse stock). When parts need to be ordered for the job then an easy extra step within the parts module is added to enable the creation of a purchase order.
Capture of additional expenses on the job is available in the field service app. Examples are meals and travel costs.
Parts and assets that are barcoded can be scanned by the field worker for quick look up and verification that the correct asset is being serviced.
Signatures can be captured as proof that a customer received the service or that a field worker signed off a safety form. Signatures can be included as part of a service report that is emailed to the customer.
To learn more about the full capabilities of the Retriever Field Service solution, head over to our Solutions page.