Achieving first-time fix requires field service teams to have access to the right information at the right time and for them to be equipped with the skills, tools and parts needed to solve the customer’s problem as quickly and effectively as possible.

While that sounds easy, the reality is that a combination of factors makes that very challenging to achieve 100% of the time.

And each of those times when a problem is not fixed the first time can lead to customer complaints and, in the worst-case scenario, the customer moving to a competitor.

Boosting first-time fix rates

Improving your first-time fix rate starts ensuring your field service team is equipped with the right information. They need to know what problem they are solving and what they need to resolve it. That information needs to be presented in a from that is accessible and kept up to date. As well as details retaining to the specific issue, they need to know who their on-site contact is, the equipment’s service history and access to service manuals.

When a job is allocated to an appropriately skilled and available technician, it’s critical that they have the tools and parts they need to complete the job. This ensures there’s no need for return visits or needing to leave the job site to access parts.

Taking these steps is what industry leading service teams do. This is why, according to the Aberdeen Group, their first-time fix rates exceed 90% – well ahead of the industry average. Field service management software (FSMS) can support businesses in ensuring information is securely stored and delivered to field service workers so they improve your first-time fix rate.

Fix-rates and your bottom line

The surest way to raise the cost of business operations is doing something more than once when it should have been accomplished the first time. Whenever a service call requires a return visit, your costs multiple. A recent report found that a failed first visit leads to 2.5 additional visits and a 20 day mean time to resolution.

Transport costs such as fuel and vehicle maintenance increase for no return as technicians return to the customer’s site. And your profit for the service suffers as it may not be reasonable to charge for the field service worker’s extra time as they return to resolve something that could have been fixed on the initial visit.

And those return trips impact your ability to service other customers, creating a further hit on your revenue.

The upfront cost of return visits to resolve a customer issue is relatively easy to calculate. But there’s another cost – one that can have an even greater impact on your business’ bottom line.

Customer dissatisfaction can lead to customer churn and there can be a knock-on effect on your reputation. The research from the Aberdeen Group found that customers are less likely to be upset by a technician arriving late than an issue not being solved the first time. Customers are your best advocates. Satisfied customers will renew service contracts and add new services you offer when they are confident that you are able to service their needs efficiently and effectively.

When first-time fix rates are optimised, you’ll be able to serve more customers thus boosting revenue, reduce costs associated with return visits, and keep your customers happy which enables you to on-sell more services, have them advocate for you and boost your reputation.

Get in touch with us today to discuss how our software can assist in increasing your first-time fix rates.